Yes, I believe my son, Thing 2, was injured by vaccines.
I had a flu shot when I was preggo with him, I got so sick I thought I was just going to stop breathing and die. Then he was born shrieking. Didn't realize it could be a vaccine reaction. I kept vaccinating until he was two. At that point a child psychiatrist suggested we medicate and give him Ritalin. Now, I've known people with addiction problems with Ritalin and Adderall, and I didn't want to see him go through that, so that's where my journey looking into natural alternatives started.
I wound up in school for homeopathy. Thing 2 had gotten so bad he was headbanging, escaping the house (we had to put alarms on the windows and doors), he'd run if we were in public and get lost (this is why those dreams were so horrific to me, I know what its like to lose my kid), and the repetitive phrases, night terrors, inappropriate behaviors, the extreme meltdowns etc. I didn't know they were symptoms of autism, because he was so smart, and my mental picture of autism was not aligning with that.
Then when I learned more and started treating him, I realized that the remedies I was using were for vaccine injury. So I started looking at the package inserts and side effects, and it all became very clear to me. He was suffering, and all along I had been treating him like he was acting out, like he was a bad/high needs kid.
I realized in the process that my older son, Thing 1, was suffering from chronic ear infections (which lead to ear tubes, and worse infections) and lung problems (asthma and chronic bronchitis), childhood arthritis, and even hearing voices because of toxic overload from vaccines. His last set of shots that I allowed included varicella, within a week he was missing school because he broke out in a rash. He had chicken pox. He healed quickly, and within a month he had it again. There were no reports of anyone else in his school having chicken pox.
I had MY last vaccine at the beginning of going to school for homeopathy, I was 25. The doctor thought it was a great idea for me to get the pneumonia vax. The next day I had a lump in my arm and couldn't even move it, the pain was so disproportionately huge. Turned out that vaccine had given me a blood clot, that could have killed me, just so I wouldn't get pneumonia. I was pissed. I was more pissed that she denied it could be from the shot, when the damn blood clot was right at the injection site. AND she refused to report it. Of course, back then I had no clue that I could report it myself, and she didn't offer up that info.
It kind of all came together at once for me, the depth of this farce, because of all those factors. Those are the reasons I speak out so strongly against vaccines. I never got Thing 1 diagnosed. I was so pissed off at doctors I didn't want the label, or their input anymore. Decided just to deal with it on our own. The only problem with that is he doesn't get any services, but I'm not sure they would help him anyway...and it has the added bonus of not having the diagnosis to haunt him in the future.
Add on announcement from a friend: Injured by Vaccines? If you or your child have been injured by vaccines and you want to share your story, please email me at I am writing a book about the real truth behind vaccines.
ReplyDeleteThank You, Mary Tocco