Friday, March 29, 2013


Recipe by a very sweet facebook friend :)

1 cup dry oatmeal (not steel cut, not instant)

1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup flax or hemp seed
1/3 cup of honey
1 tsp vanilla

Mix it up, roll it into little balls and serve. I use a little coconut flour on my hands to keep it from sticking as I make the balls. But recently I bought a gadget from Pampered Chef. It's a chip clip but both ends have scoops, one large and one small. So next time I'm trying that scoop to make the balls.

I copied and pasted her directions here so I don't loose it, and can try it out. I'll take photos to post, and if I make any adjustments I will note them later as well. I'm kind of already thinking these would be yummy with a dried fruit of some sort as well, like raisins or cranberries :)


  1. Yes! Cranberries, raisins or goji berries would be a great addition!

  2. I am allergic to vanilla so I wonder how almond extract would taste?
